‘Robot Dreams’ Review | A Tender Animated Masterpiece

Robot Dreams is the latest film from filmmaker Pablo Berger based on the comic of the same name from Sara Varon. The film follows a dog named Dog as they navigate life and the loneliness that it can bring. One day Dog decides enough is enough and buys a robot companion to share time with. We follow the two on their adventures and misfortunes as life and relationships mold them.

The first thing that stands out in Robot Dreams is that there is no dialogue to be found. Robot Dreams relies on the characters’ body and facial language to tell its story. It successfully achieves this in its 100-minute runtime, something I found quite remarkable. Pablo Berger is no stranger to this silent film approach with other films the director has done such as 2012’s Blancanieves. The smiles, shrugs, and looks of disappointment hit so hard in this incredible tale about the importance of relationships. The characters are allowed to breathe, and we get some amazingly fleshed out beings that feel so universal. This is what makes it stand out, we really get to know each of these characters well. Dog begins to understand themselves while Robot starts to understand this new world. Although it’s has fantastical elements it feels so grounded to our wants and need.

The animation is also lush and vibrant making the world come to life. There is so much going on around the characters that a rewatch is a must to catch everything. I love when a film doesn’t just have background characters be background. There is life beyond the relationship of the characters and the film showcases that amazingly. The showcase of other characters’ amazement and struggles make it that much more gripping. Robot Dreams almost feels nostalgic with the 80’s New York City setting that has a life of its own. All of this is what makes Robot Dreams such an amazing, animated film to experience many times. The soundtrack to the film is also one that makes it hard to not start moving around in your seat. I really enjoyed the song choices with the animated sequences, especially at the end.

The story in itself really surprised me with how incredibly universal and approachable it was. Robot Dreams is simply telling a story of two individuals who take various routes in their lives and are longing for one thing and that’s companionship. It’s one of the most universal things all living things are striving for, and that’s to love and be loved. I also loved its approach at appreciating the smaller things in life we might take for granted. The film really touched me and made me think about how I’m living my own life. An ending that will linger with me for quite some time as it left me in a mess of both happy and sad tears.

Robot Dreams is one of those special movies I don’t think I’ll ever be able to shake off or quit talking about. It goes on my top 10 animated films of all time no doubt about it. The film also is my favorite film all year for its beautiful animation and amazing story of love. I could continue gushing over the film as I found nothing to complain about except that it ended too soon. The must-see film of the summer that will leave you enchanted and with a bigger heart.

Robot Dreams is a clear 5/5.

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