‘Jaws @ 50’ – National Geographic Celebrates 50 Years of ‘Jaws’ with New Documentary

A documentary celebrating the 50th anniversary of Peter Benchley’s bestselling novel and the blockbuster film directed by Steven Spielberg is on the way from National Geographic in partnership with Spielberg’s Amblin Documentaries and Nedland Media. Titled, Jaws @ 50 (working title), it will be directed by Nedland Media’s Laurent Bouzereau.

The film “will include footage and photography from the Benchley and Spielberg archives, as well as all-new interviews from the worlds of film, literature, pop culture and ocean conservation.” It will also delve into the novel and the film’s tumultuous production. Additionally, it “will explore the world and impact of sharks today through testimonials from people who have dedicated their lives to studying and safeguarding sharks and our seas.”

In collaboration with ocean conservation and marine policy advocate Wendy Benchley and branding and communications specialist Laura A. Bowling, the film “will capture our endless fascination with sharks and the changing dialogue about these awe-inspiring creatures,” according to Nat Geo. It will premiere in summer 2025, the film’s 50th anniversary, on National Geographic and stream on Disney+ and Hulu as part of Sharkfest, Nat Geo’s signature summer event.

For National Geographic, Jaws @ 50 (working title) will be produced by Amblin Documentaries and Nedland Media in collaboration with executive producers Benchley and Bowling and directed by Bouzereau. Frank and Falvey executive produce for Amblin Documentaries, along with Bouzereau and Markus Keith for Nedland Media. Ted Duvall is executive producer for National Geographic.

Source: Deadline

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