‘Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse’ Ending Explained

The ending to Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse definitely left a lot of people’s jaws on the floor. Across the Spider-Verse starts off with Gwen Stacy’s story as we see her father is still on the hunt for Spider-Woman who he believes killed Peter Parker. On a regular day a Vulture from another dimension (Leonardo Davinci?) comes into her universe. As she tries to capture the Vulture, two spider people show up: Spider-Woman Jessica Drew and Spider-Man 2099 Miguel O’Hara. They explain they are there to make things right in the multiverse of Spider People and end up capturing the Vulture together. Captain Stacy then corners Gwen and makes her reveal herself which shocks her father, but she ends up going with Miguel and Jessica to save the multiverse.

We then meet Miles Morales again as we see he is struggling with school, while trying to balance being Spider-Man and not letting his family down. Miles is now facing his enemy, The Spot, who we come to find out came to be due to Miles and Peter setting off a reactor. The Spot wants to become a prominent foe for Miles Morales and is devising a plan by using another reactor in another universe. Gwen has come to find The Spot in Miles’ universe and Miles ends up tagging along with her to help stop The Spot.

The addition of Miles Morales to the team doesn’t rub Miguel the right way; he wants Miles far from the team up. Miles is then told how he has to let his father die in order to keep his world from crumbling in due to it being part of every Spider-Man’s story. This doesn’t settle well with Miles who decides to save his father and runs off back to his universe. We see Miles struggle to outrun all the Spider-People but eventually makes it out. Miles however doesn’t end up in his universe as the machine sent him to the universe from the spider that bit him.

We learn the spider that bit Miles isn’t from his own universe but actually came from another which is the one we see Miles be transported to now. In this universe, Aaron Davis is still alive, and Miles’ father has passed away. Miles also learns that in this universe he has become The Prowler and is being held captive by this version of himself. Gwen then creates a spider team to go help Miles and get him back in time to save his father.

In the end, we find out Miguel dislikes Miles for being an anomaly since he wasn’t supposed to become Spider-Man. He is also now hunting down Miles Morales as well to stop him from saving his father so there’s no canon event disruption. The Spot has also appeared in Miles’ universe and so the clock is ticking for Miles to save his father. Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse has set up the finale as a huge battle. We have Miguel who is trying to capture Miles, Gwen and the spider team that consists of Spider-Punk and others looking to help bring Miles back, and also Miles who needs to escape from himself. We got a good set of cameos in this movie and are curious to see if there will be more cameos coming up in Beyond the Spider-Verse. It’s definitely a huge ending that leaves us with more questions and we’re excited at what’s to come. In the meantime, look out for our theories for what’s next.

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