Paramore This is Why Album Review, New Sounds But Still The Same Paramore

Paramore is back with their sixth studio album after a six year absence with ‘This is Why’ The new album showcases the growth not only Paramore has had but Hayley Williams herself. We also reviewed the album on our YouTube Channel here so check it out as well. This is Why is a natural progression of where the band left off with After Laughter. It’s an album that comes off the heels Hayley Williams solo album Petals for Amor in which we hear some of that album in This is Why.

The band has shifted in members in the past but you wouldn’t even be able to tell and that says a lot of the production here. The album starts off with tracks that are a little faster and hard hitting. In the second half it slowly pumps the breaks with more ballad and smooth singles that actually feel heavier. Liar and Crave being among the standouts for us when listening to the albums second half. Overall the album does feel like the next step in Paramore’s trajectory there are some songs that just feel a bit too much of an extension Williams previous album. We also miss some of the more anthem sounding songs from their previous albums but change is always good.

Overall the album is a one we have had on repeat for the past week and will continue to play. A good portion of the songs have definitely jumped over other Paramore songs for our top picks. We also love the vulnerability the band and Williams have throughout now. This is definitely an album you have to go in expecting change but still that Paramore essence which is what we are given. This is Why…..

We give Paramore’s This is Why a 4.5/5

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