‘Beaten to Death’ Packs an Extreme Punch

The latest film from Sam Curtain Beaten to Death asks the question, just how much can a human endure? Beaten to Death does exactly as the title says. The film starts off with our titular character getting absolutely pummeled.

We are able to see what lead to these moments as the story is nonlinear. In Beaten to Death, there are enough twists and turns to keep you interested. Of course, that is if you’re able to handle the extreme violence and horror the film has (definitely not for the faint of heart.)

The actors do a great job representing the anguish the characters are feeling. There are moments of tension and just drawn-out brutality that will leave you covering your face. Sam Curtain has crafted a film that really pushes the boundaries for horror.

The story is not intricate, and I don’t think it was trying to be. It reveals and unravels itself as we get more into it, leaving you either shocked or wondering how this all could’ve been avoided. Overall, if you’re a fan of extreme horror or just something that will make you squirm then this is the movie for you. It definitely lives up to its name and takes things to the extreme. We, however, would have wanted more to the story and at times it did feel a bit dragged out.

We give Beaten to Death a 3 out of 5.

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