‘La Mesita Del Comedor’ (The Coffee Table) Review | The Years Most F****D Up Movie? [Fantastic Fest 2023]

We hear it year after year about a film being the most messed up movie ever made. If you’ve watched enough films, you know there’s not really much shocking films coming out. The Coffee Table is here to challenge that and might perhaps earn that title. I got the chance to watch the film at Fantastic Fest and let me tell you it’s WILD!

The film from Caye Casas will take you on a dark and twisted ride. I won’t get into the specifics of what happens as I feel it will ruin the sheer shock. However, I will say if you are sensitive or get triggered by violence this one takes it to the extreme. It’s not an easy film to watch and digest, so take that as a word of caution.

The Coffee Table doesn’t just rely on the shock factor and examines more the psychological ramifications. It really puts you in the main actor’s mental struggle to figure out what’s next. The performance from David Pareja really elevates the film into almost a mesmerizing trance. It also has a very claustrophobic feeling to it as our characters feel more entrapped by their predicament.

I really enjoyed how sharp the dialogue was here for a film that relies on it the most. There were never moments I felt taken out and every scene is carefully chosen to keep you on your toes. The film almost works like a ticking time bomb and when that climax hits you, you won’t be able to take your eyes off the screen. I do believe however the resolution was a race to the end and wasn’t a bigger payoff. Overall, we do think The Coffee Table is an amazing look at how actors can elevate a film with its dialogue alone.

We give The Coffee Table a 3.7 out of 5 rating.

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