‘MIND BODY SPIRIT’ Review | Who Knew Yoga Could be This Creepy?

MIND BODY SPIRIT is a fresh 2024 horror movie following a young woman as she copes with the death of her estranged grandmother and what she left behind. This film, to my delight, takes on the found footage route which make perfect sense for our story since Anya is an inspiring yoga influencer – of course, she would have a camera on hand to film everything. We open up with Anya guiding us through a typical yoga routine of hers before she stumbles upon some creepy belongings previously owned by her grandmother. 

Anya’s character is likable yet realistic. She really embodies the attitude and personality we see in fitness YouTubers, down to the little quirky remarks they make sometimes like “don’t worry, we’re working on this together.” They even include mini-AD clips in between some shots which just adds to the realism and is a cute touch. You really feel for her as you watch her struggle with trying to make these videos she clearly enjoys while also staying true to herself.  Anya’s mother, as well, is interesting and has a lot of dimensions to her character. We witness the rough relationship between her and Anya as they both grieve over the grandmother in their own ways; however, they both deal with it in completely opposite ways.  

Found footage can be tricky to do sometimes as some tricks and scares can be seen as overdone or the audience may be questioning why the main character is even filming at a time like this. With this film, Anya has a reason to be recording with her upcoming YouTube channel. Also, the video calls bring more insight to her character and the film’s plot. Though, there are still some scenes that don’t make sense on how or why they’re recorded, but they still add to the creepiness of the film. The scares in this film aren’t cheesy; they’re unique in their own way. Sometimes, we’ll have the camera moving on its own while Anya is stuck doing a yoga pose and witness some terrifying sightings. Some of my favorite scares would happen in the background, where you would really have to focus to notice it. 

Overall, this is a great addition to the found footage genre. The scares are creepy (especially the string scene.) The main character is really interesting to follow around. I would recommend watching this film late at night for the full creepy effect!


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