‘Into The Blue’ | Dive Back into 00s the Thriller Starring Paul Walker and Jessica Alba

Capelight Pictures & Altitude have announced the re-release of 00s lost treasure Into the Blue on Blu-ray on 27th May.

While diving off the coast of the Bahamas, four friends Jared (Paul Walker), Sam (Jessica Alba), Amanda, and Bryce discover the wreckage of a legendary sunken ship. Nearby lies a crashed transport plane, with a different kind of cargo on board, landing each of the friends in hot water as greed turns their idyllic setting into a living nightmare.

Directed by John Stockwell and starring the late Paul Walker (The Fast and the Furious), Jessica Alba (Sin CityFantastic Four) and Josh Brolin (No Country for Old Men, Avengers), Into the Blue takes 00s action to deeper levels.

The Blu-ray includes deleted scenes, audio commentary, as well as Making-of Featurette: Diving Deeper Into The Blue.


  • Audio commentary with director John Stockwell
  • Deleted scenes with optional audio commentary from the director
  • Screen Tests
  • Making-of Featurette: Diving Deeper Into The Blue
  • Theatrical Trailer

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